Jake Van Dyken, Esq. Elected to Moorestown Township Councilman Position

attorney profile pictureSiciliano & Associates, LLC is pleased to extend congratulations to Jake Van Dyken, Esq. on his election to serve for a four-year term beginning January 2021 as Councilman on the Moorestown Township Council.  With a deep interest in public service, Jake had previously volunteered his time to serve as a member of the Moorestown Recreation Council and Open Space Committee.  With an interest in doing more, he decided to run for Council.

As a member of Council, Jake plans to work with the Township’s residents and business owners to maintain, and where necessary improve Moorestown’s standing as a preeminent Burlington County community where people desire to live, raise a family and do business.

Jake Van Dyken is Of Counsel to Siciliano & Associates where he heads the Personal Injury and Litigation Group.   He can be reached at jvd@sicilianolaw.com