I was Bitten by a Dog, What Happens Next?

dog bitesAlthough dogs are regarded as man’s best friend, the truth is that even the humblest dog can turn violent under certain circumstances. That’s why numerous dog bite lawsuits are filed across the country every year. 

Considering the fact that dog bite injuries can have major medical and legal consequences, it is always important to understand what steps to follow after a dog bit. 

Hiring an experienced Haddonfield personal injury attorney should be one of the first things to do. 

Below are the steps you should take if you are bitten by a dog: 

  1. Medical care 

Depending on the seriousness of the injury, it is important to immediately seek medical attention after a dog bite. This is because you may not be sure if the dog that bit you is vaccinated or not. 

If the dog is not vaccinated against rabies, then you are likely to be infected, especially if the injury involves a punctured wound. You can also take pictures of the wounds before treatment if that’s possible. 

  1. Exchange information 

Just like after an accident, you should also exchange information with the owner of the dog so that it will be easy to contact them later. 

The information may include the name of the dog’s owner, address, and phone numbers. Such information will be crucial to you Haddonfield NJ personal injury lawyer. 

  1. Witnesses 

You also need to get contact information from any person that was present when you were attacked and injured by the dog. This will make it easy to back up your claims in case of a lawsuit. 

  1. Hire a lawyer and file a claim 

Haddonfield NJ personal injury lawyers will help you file the case and present evidence in court on your behalf. Siciliano & Associates has some of the best personal injury lawyers in the country. All you have to do is to contact the firm as soon as the dog bite incident.