Accidents Involving Multiple Claimants Can Be Problematic
Not all auto accidents involve a negligent driver and an innocent driver. Sometimes a careless driver may cause a collision involving multiple cars and claimants. It’s also possible that there may be comparative negligence between two drivers or among several drivers. Personal injury attorney Haddonfield represents individuals involved in auto accidents.
A series of rear-end collisions could be due to one driver striking the rear of a vehicle and thereby pushing one vehicle into another successively, in which case the driver initiating the chain reaction is liable for the damages of all other drivers. However, if driver A stops suddenly and is rear-ended by driver B, and that car is rear-ended by driver C, who is then rear-ended by driver D and so on, then each driver colliding with the vehicle in front is liable only to that particular driver.
In these types of multiple car accidents, bad weather or road conditions are often factors in causing collisions. As culpability is sometimes difficult to ascertain, and involved parties tend to deny fault at the scene of the accident, liability is usually determined by an investigating police officer. The personal injury attorneys Haddonfield can analyze the facts of the accident and prove the issue of liability in order to compensate victims of auto accidents.
Haddonfield personal injury attorneys can determine fault in multiple car accidents, whether it’s a straightforward rear-end impact or a more complex accident involving a head-on collision, a T-bone situation in an intersection, a pile-up accident on the interstate, or a chain-reaction incident.
Legal counsel is especially necessary for auto accidents where fault is not clear or more than one driver is negligent. Siciliano & Associates will evaluate all factors, including inspecting the scene of the accident, skid marks, property damage, weather conditions, and witness statements in order to provide effective representation against adverse insurance companies.